Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The American Society of Hand Therapists explains carpal tunnel syndrome below. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve becomes compressed (or pinched) when passing through the wrist, often due to overuse. This causes pain, numbness/tingling, and weakness in the hand. Clients often complain of dropping items and difficulty completing fine motor tasks.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated by a certified hand therapist or a surgical approach may be recommended for more advanced cases. If surgery is required, a certified hand therapist is an essential part of your recovery after surgery. For more information on how Ability Hand to Shoulder Rehabilitation can help you manage your carpal tunnel syndrome and get you back to your daily activities, please contact us.

Laura Miear, MS OTR/L, CHT

Laura Miear is a CHT and OT with 16 years of experience. She provides quality, highly skilled, personalized care to help you recover from injuries from the hand to the shoulder. She is currently Christiansburg, Virginia’s only certified hand therapist. Laura also teaches in the masters of occupational therapy program at Radford University.

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